July 8, 2004

  • apology email

    i had Dr TC Pun for OPD today. he obviously recognized dee dee and he continued inching dee dee from last grand round. so funny! i couldnt hear all of their conversation, but here are some fragments: Dr Pun: "come on young man, you dont listen to me? where did you read this from? you have a DOCTOR standing right in front of you. you dont believe me?........ you are the star of the morning. Right, alexander?"

    i just couldnt stop smirking : ) bursted into giggles for several times too.... and couldnt stop giggling to myself when i was on my way home. hahhahahah

    i think i am sooooooooo sick. my happiness is built on the misfortunes of dee dee.... hahahhahaha but its really funny... to see him tao dup dup in front of Dr Pun!!! i really like Dr Pun!

    our whole gp's life is around dee dee also. its so sick.... anyways, rosie showed us an email this morning. the email was actually an apology email to anna for the "robbing" incident, but was cc to rosie. and it was so.... dunno how to say it... so trashy and phony. Quote: "i know i was very defensive on the stiff and blunted reprimand by the onlookers" and " i know i am not well received in the group" and " i hope you will ...(forgot the word) support me......" chee sin!!i think he is really chee sin! and he doesnt read the world as we do? he is really autistic..... all these fancy words just exaggerate his lack of insight and knowledge on the condition. the best way for him to live is to shut up and play low profile. please act like you dont exist.