October 5, 2004

  • help!!! someone is playing the violin!!!

    i really hate him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he played violin for 2 hours last night!!!!!!!!!!! chee sin ga??????? but sigh… i guess maybe because i hated him and had prejudice against him. no matter what he does irritates me. i wrote a note saying: dear hallmate, can u limit yr performance time to 1 hour? even though u dont need to rest, our ears need to rest…. from a hallmate. i walked to his door with the note and i wanted to slip it in or stick it on his door… but in the end i didnt…. i thought about what he said in his group email last night, that he looks into the mirror everynight and he hates himself and wants to kill himself… so probably he really wanted to kill himself and violin playing is his way of relaxing and expressing. i have no right to stop him. i need more love. more tolerance. more empathy. and more patientce…. and i am already 5 rooms away…. those who are next to him havent complained yet, so who am i to complain???? sigh……………… but anyways, felt a bit better after sharing my frustration with the others in the pantry just now…. but i fear what i have done today i.e. telling the others… would only make the situation worse. he will definitely be mocked at tomorrow. sigh…. and then he will think he is the victim again…….. am i being too too mean to him? i just dunno……….. i only know that even though he is not my partner anymore and i am living 5 rooms away from him, i still hate him !! why is there so much hate? it is so tiring

Comments (1)

  • hi this is candice~

    wa he’s really gone crazy…played violin for 2 hours?! i thought he couldn’t find a way to irritate people even further. but i was wrong, obviously.

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